Re: "Artist Shrugged", etc.

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Sat Feb 20 1999 - 10:42:16 MST

At 11:48 PM 2/19/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I call the essay Saint-Andre mentions below to your attention
>and recommend you read it. Since not everyone here is or
>was an Objectivist (or knows about it), it might not seem all
>that relevant. But could we not this same logic be applied
>to some of the various transhuman and Extropian artistic
>endeavors? I'd be curious to see your reactions...

As much as I admire Rand for her fiction as well as her philosophy, I do
not agree with her views on fine arts.

Please explain what logic you are referring to, as I would like to discuss
it with you, as someone who is not an Objectivist, but has knowledge of same.

I did look for the essay you suggested we read, but could not locate it.
Please send me a copy to

Thank you.


Natasha Vita-More:
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