Contrail Analysis

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Fri Feb 19 1999 - 12:07:19 MST

Since Environmental News Service published accounts on
jets spraying "contrails" that make people sick, I have
seen an explosion of such accounts. While there has been
a track record of military experimental spraying over U.S.
cities, it is unclear to me whether the recent widespread
claims of a correlation between contrails and sickness are
accurate or are perhaps a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy

After getting reports of unusual contrail formations in my
area, I went out and observed and photographed a surprising
proliferation of contrails. I've concluded that attributes
assumed to indicate a contrail is spray are attributes of
normal contrails under variable atmospheric conditions.

I took many photographs, some of which provide proof that
assumed-to-be-abnormal attributes of contrails are normal,
and as such are not evidence of spraying. See my analysis
with photos:

Accounts that my observations do not address are those of
"cobwebs," "angel hair," or a gel-like substance falling.
There was one inexplicable contrail that I photographed.

Visit Ian Williams Goddard ------>



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