shapes (was Re: Galileo Day)

From: Tim Bates (
Date: Wed Feb 17 1999 - 00:35:37 MST said
>An "ogiveal" shape is optimized for rapid
>transit thru a fluid medium.. That's why the nose of a large (subsonic)
>aircraft , or sub, shaped similarly to that of a bomb...or raindrop.

When my uncle built a series of windmill-powered yachts, he did quite a
bit of research into efficient blades: it was fascinating. The best shape
turned out to be a stretched out egg: big fat radius at the hub
feathering out to a thin tip on this 12m diameter propellor. Then under
the water things changed again, dropping down into this very different
set of Reynold's numbers. You should have seen the kevlar-sail racing set
when we drove up the harbour straight into the wind ;-)


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