Re: importimg drugs to the US

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Tue Feb 16 1999 - 14:42:34 MST

At 06:14 PM 2/16/99 GMT, you wrote:
> I seem to remember a discussion on this list a while ago about
>using various firms to import small amounts of medicines to the USA (
>'small' meaning for personal use only ). I tried to use the list
>archives, but I believe that the engine is down ( I have notified the
>listmaster ). Does anyone know of trustworthy, inexpensive firms and
>can you either post or email their information?

 IAN: Some people have ended up with postal inspectors
 and police on their case after acquiring overseas medications,
 even though it was legal. Harassment is the word there. The
 Life Extension Foundation reported a few cases a while back.

 So be careful.

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