Re: God

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Sat Feb 13 1999 - 21:03:09 MST

At 02:30 PM 2/13/99 -0500, John K Clark wrote:
>J. Eric Mortensen <> Wrote:
> >Will you not agree that some day we may discover that
> >1) the universe was created by some entity and that we in some way
might ask it
> >why it did so?
>God: I created the universe because reason X existed.
>Me: Why does reason X exist, and why do you exist ?
>God: I haven't the slightest idea.
> >2) if we discover that our universe was created by accident, that
that constitutes an
> >answer to the question of 'Why?'.
>If it was random then it has no cause and the question is not answered and
>never be answered. There is no answer.

  IAN: Or, in other words, the answer is zero.


Visit Ian Williams Goddard ------>
(+) Something can come from nothing, if, and only if, (-)
(-) that something is equal to nothing ((-)+(+) = 0). (+)
"[I]n any closed universe the negative gravitational energy
 cancels the energy of matter exactly. The total energy, or
  equivalently the total mass, is precisely equal to zero."

- + - + Dr. Alan Guth (The Inflationary Universe) + - + -


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