Re: is information the bottom line?

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Thu Feb 11 1999 - 03:05:29 MST

Damien Broderick wrote:
> Truly mindboggling article about the work of Roy Frieden on Fisher
> information and the basic laws of physics (there's not much abt him on the
> Web), at
> I'd like to see some informed discussion from the mathematics and
> physicists on this topic.

Well, I don't know about this "informed discussion" business, but I can
tell you he's wrong. Nothing in there explains "Why does anything exist
at all?" I don't know where people got the idea this wasn't a
legitimate question of physics, but nobody will ever get the complete
laws written down, much less justified, without knowing the answer.
Furthermore, this guy doesn't make any experimental predictions, and
from what I understood, I doubt he ever will.

--         Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Disclaimer:  Unless otherwise specified, I'm not telling you
everything I think I know.

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