Re: Advertising Transhumanism (Was: primative transhumans viewing the superbowl)

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Wed Feb 10 1999 - 11:38:58 MST

Jane Kurtz <> writes:

> One area to discuss transhumanism (more?) might be in the science fiction
> community. This certainly should not be the only avenue, but it might be
> productive. Can you think of any sf writers who've attempted to portray
> transhumans? How about Heinlein?

SF has so far been one of the few literary genres where transhumanist
ideas are dealt with in any way, so there are plenty of examples.

The classic is IMHO Stapledon (_The First and Last Men_,
_Starmaker_). H.G. Wells had a few (like in _Food of the Gods_) but
IMHO not as good. Arthur C. Clarke had a bit of transhumans in
_Childhood's End_ and the 2000-series. Stanislaw Lem has touched on
many transhumanist issues. Among modern writers: Bruce Sterling
(_Schismatrix_), Vernor Vinge (rereading _A Fire Upon the Deep_ again,
great book), David Zindell, Linda Nagata, Greg Egan, Charles Sheffield
and many more.

Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
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