Re: ECON: Everything's free.

Date: Tue Feb 09 1999 - 03:21:49 MST

In a message dated 2/9/99 4:37:36 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< has been selling books at a loss for quite some time,
 supported by their stock prices (i.e. market capital), in order to build
 market share.
 Then there's Jerry Kaplan's plan to sell computers at wholesale prices
 and make money off of ads ( I told my friends
 that this might (but only "might") signify the Impending Collapse And/Or
 Transformation of the U.S. Economy, caused by the elimination of the
 entire retail and mark-up-supported sector. This wouldn't be quite as
 thorough a transformation as my projection that collaborative filtering
 will eliminate the entire marketing sector, or that complex barter will
 eliminate the entire financial sector, but it would be a good start. >>

Its kind of funny how the main ad (at the top) at is for


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