Re: PRO-hGH? Cheap Human Growth Hormone?

From: Ralph Lewis (
Date: Sun Feb 07 1999 - 12:24:18 MST

The ability to get a good night sleep happen from day one. The hair growth
took about a month.

Best Ralph

At 07:14 PM 2/6/99 -0500, you wrote:
>At 03:05 PM 2/6/99 -0800, Ralph Lewis <> wrote:
>>Yes, I have used it for several months but found that RenewTrient (or other
>>2(3H)Furanone di-hydro products) worked much better for me. I actually
>>regrew most of my hair and lost much of my grey hair as well as feeling a
>>lot better and was able to get a good night sleep.
>I know this is only anecdotal, but how long did it take for this to happen?
>How long was it before you noticed any results? I'm just curious.
>>BUT apparently the FDA
>>wants all of these products off the market. I rather doubt that the US
>>government wants a healthy older population.
>Hard to say if the government types think like that. I believe they just
>don't want anything on the market which they haven't approved of or
>can control. I believe that is just their mentality -- not that they think
>in terms of plots or long range stuff like a "healthy older population."
>Daniel Ust
Ralph Lewis, Professor of Management and Human Resources
College of Business
California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach, California

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