Re: ExI home page okay?

From: Lee March (
Date: Sat Feb 06 1999 - 20:36:31 MST

Max More wrote:
> I'd appreciate it if a few of you could take a look at
> and let me know whether it looks normal to you. I
> made some changes a few days ago. It looks fine on my screen, using
> Explorer 5, and also on campus using an old version of Netscape, but
> looking at it on Natasha's computer, using Explorer 4, the right column is
> squeezed way over to the right.
> Thanks,
> Max
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Max More, Ph.D.
> <> or <>
> Philosophical issues of technology
> President, Extropy Institute:
> EXTRO 4 Conference: Biotech Futures. See
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


The page looks OK on my IE 4.0 and my Netscape 3.0.

I see in the mail that some others have already emailed about the
problem you mentioned so maybe you have already corrected it and that is
why I am seeing it OK at this time.


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