Re: Junk mail and rotting web (SPAM)

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Feb 03 1999 - 09:33:10 MST

> James D. Wilson wrote:What counts here is not whether you were
> interested or not but rather whether you solicited the information....

about 4 years ago when the web was newer, i tried a little experiment.
i found a website for multilevel marketing schemes. my experiment
was to visit 20 of the sites and let them set all the cookies
they wanted. (i was at the workplace.) furthermore, i gave them my
email address and indicated my interest.. i wanted to see if i would
get 20 emails or if they would proliferate my address. they proliferated
it wildly. i began to get hundreds of messages a day, most of it
to what i expressed interest in. i suspected this might happen. i
changed my email address. {8^D

now i get spamvertisements that have a line at the bottom saying: "if
you want no further contact, click remove below". i have been afraid
to touch that link, for fear that my address would end up on a cd
of spammers greatest hits.

does anyone know: when you get a spam with a remove button,
should you reply remove or just play dead and not reply? spike

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