Re: subtle effects of long term exposures on longevity?

From: david gobel (
Date: Tue Jan 26 1999 - 18:42:09 MST

Further to my earlier question about very subtle long term exposures/effects
of seemingly innocuous commonplace stuff:

I have been taking Nicotinic Acid to promote microvascular dilation and
peripheral blood flow among other benefits. One of the side effect of this
nutrient is that it triggers a histimine reaction resulting in red flushing
of the skin, along with sometimes intense itching.

Two days ago I had taken 250mg, and while the flush was proceeding, I
removed my clothes (in privacy) and looked in a full length mirror. I was
surprised to find that the flush region was stopped cold just at the
boundary where the elastic in my underwear had been. Beet red above...normal
pink etc below. In all my dreams, I never would have predicted that the
elastic in my underwear could have acted as a body dam "choking off" the

So, what else might it, and belts, and girdles and bras etc be choking off,
and are there any studies that even attempt to investigate the effects of
such constrictions which folks consider to be normal.


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