macronutrients and mood

From: Doug Skrecky (
Date: Tue Jan 26 1999 - 01:23:41 MST

  de Castro JM.
  Macronutrient relationships with meal patterns and mood in the spontaneous
  feeding behavior of humans.
  Physiology & Behavior. 39(5):561-9, 1987.
  The role of protein, carbohydrate and fat ingestion on self-rated mood and
  subsequent food intake was investigated using self-reports of spontaneous
  food intake. Eight male and 30 female undergraduate students were instructed
  to list everything they ate, when they ate it, and their mood at the time of
  ingestion. They were asked to make these entries in a diary throughout a nine
  day period. Mood was rated at the beginning of each meal on three seven point
  scales; elated-depressed, tired-energetic, and anxious-tranquil. The amount
  of protein, carbohydrate, and fat as well as the total amount of food energy
  in each meal and the intermeal intervals (IMIs) prior to and following the
  meals were calculated with a computerized analysis. The energy content and
  the amount of each of the macronutrients contained in the stomach at the
  beginning and end of each meal was estimated with a mathematical model. These
  data were then intercorrelated using bivariate and multivariate techniques.
  Momentary self-rated mood was not found to be related to prior macronutrient
  intake nor was it predictive of subsequent intake. Long term macronutrient
  intake, averaged over the nine recording days, was found to be related to the
  averaged mood of the subjects. Although no significant relationships were
  found between the absolute amounts of the macronutrients ingested and mood,
  significant correlations were found between the proportion of each
  macronutrient in the diet and the overall self-rated mood.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED
  AT 250 WORDS)

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