Re Major Technologies--Memetics

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Mon Jan 25 1999 - 08:45:12 MST

From: (James Ganong)

>OK, we've gone over several physical technologies so far, but what
>about memetics? Could it ever be developed to the point of being
>an actual technology/engineering discipline? Why or why not? What
>could happen if it were so developed?

It already exists, it's called "spin doctoring". The Clinton case
is a good example. People who defend him repeat a series of
platitudes which make no sense. "It doesn't rise to the level of
impeachment" yet impeachment is clearly for high crimes and
misdemeanors, and perjury is a felony, clearly exceeding
misdemeanor. Only an idiot or a liar would consider the acts
performed as not constituting sex.

Member,Extropy Institute

Current reading: "The age of spiritual machines" by Ray Kurzweil

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