Re: The "Group-Entity" Illusion

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Wed Jan 20 1999 - 18:55:58 MST

At 12:10 PM 1/20/99 -0700, Freehand wrote:

>Smith's "invisible hand" is a metaphor. The utilization
>of a metaphor to "explain" some phenomenon, does not
>imply the existence of an entity.

  IAN: That "the invisible hand" is a metaphor
  also does not mean society does not function
  as a collective entity, so no point is made.
  In fact, the utility of the metaphor in this
  case exactly expresses the fact that society
  really does operate as if it were "one hand."

  It's the failure of central planners to perceive
  the social entity, how it communicates with it-
  self (supply/demand pricing) and such, that is
  why they assume someone needs to plan for it.

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