Re: Extropy and Rednecks

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Jan 19 1999 - 08:38:02 MST wrote:

> Justin Jones writes;
> >I was considering being a libertarian, but at the only 2 libertarian party
> >meetings I've ever attended they were discussing who really owned the
> >"secret gummit black army helicopters" So that kinda made me think that's
> >where all the anti-government conspiracy theorists went.
> Geez, if this is your experience, I can understand your disenchantment with
> the LP. The local party seems a bit out of touch. I can assure you that the
> real LP has better topics to discuss. Have you read a good book about
> libertarianism? I'd hate to see your perception of the movement skewed by a
> bunch of oddballs. (Not that they're necessarily wrong about the black
> 'copters.)

Yes, I much prefer meetings which have topics very similar to much of the
discussion on this list. Libertarians tend to be very technologically oriented,
in my experience. The Black Helo phonomenon is documented, and the few times
people were able to find ID numbers on them, the numbers wound up belonging to
helicopter owners on the other side of the country who still had the numbers on
their own birds there, so there is some sort of fraud going on there. The
reason why everyone thinks they are government is because the personnel
associated with them sport paramilitary SWAT type uniforms and treat people
like they are conducting official military business. Because there is no way to
identify the units involved, accountability for this is very low.

There is some evidence that they are actually employees of a company called
EG&G, which is also known to be the security contractor to the DOE and the Air
Force for Area 51, which is why everyone in the paranoid community is convinced
that its all the 'big UFO coverup'. Frankly, at this point, anything the
mainstream media AND the government scoffs at, I would prefer to take a closer
look at before I dismissed it.

My personal opinion is that they are members of or work with Seal Team Six, a
unit whose primary covert mission is to limit the proliferation of nuclear
technology by direct covert action.

Mike Lorrey

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