phosphate and metabolic rate

From: Doug Skrecky (
Date: Tue Jan 19 1999 - 01:32:45 MST

Citations: 1-4
  Nazar K. Kaciuba-Uscilko H. Szczepanik J. Zemba AW. Kruk B.
  Chwalbinska-Moneta J. Titow-Stupnicka E. Bicz B. Krotkiewski M.
  Department of Applied Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
  Phosphate supplementation prevents a decrease of triiodothyronine and
  increases resting metabolic rate during low energy diet.
  Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology. 47(2):373-83, 1996 Jun.
  Thirty overweight women participated in 8 week slimming program consisting of
  a self-controlled low-energy diet (4.2 MJ/day) supplemented with highly
  viscous fibres and mineral tablets containing calcium, potassium and sodium
  phosphates (Redusan Combi, Biokraft Pharma AB, Sweden). Half
  of the patients received in double blind manner mineral tablets during first
  4 weeks and placebo (without phosphates) during next 4 weeks
  (group 1) while the remaining patients were treated (cross-over) with placebo
  first and mineral tablets in the final period (group 2). The rate of weight
  loss was similar in groups 1 and 2 (4.7 vs 5.2 kg during the first 4 weeks
  and 2.7 vs 3.0 kg in the further 4 weeks). During periods of phosphate
  supplementation, the resting metabolic rate (RMR) increased by approx. 12% (p
  < 0.05) in group 1 and 19% (p < 0.05) in group 2. Phosphate supplementation
  ameliorated also a decrease in plasma triiodothyronine level and a decrease
  in thyroxine to triiodothyronine ratio. There were no differences between
  groups in the plasma insulin, catecholamine, growth hormone, cortisol and
  testosterone levels. Phosphate supplementation did not affect plasma lipids
  or blood glucose concentration. It is concluded that phosphate
  supplementation in obese patients on a low-energy diet enhances RMR
  irrespectively of the rate of weight loss. This effect seems to be, at least
  partly, due to an influence of phosphates on peripheral
  metabolism of thyroid hormones.

  Jaedig S. Lindgarde F. Arborelius M.
  Department of Medicine, Lund University, Malmo General Hospital, Sweden.
  Increased postprandial energy expenditure in obese women after peroral K- and
  Mineral & Electrolyte Metabolism. 20(3):147-52, 1994.
  Energy expenditure (EE) was studied in 15 obese (BMI > 27.5, median 29.2) and
  15 lean (BMI < 22.9, median 21.7) healthy, postmenopausal women before and
  after peroral orange juice with or without K- and Mg-phosphate
  supplementation. The women, 56-58 years old, were studied in a double-blind,
  crossover experiment on two separate days. They received 100 ml of orange
  juice (10 g of carbohydrates) with or without a supplement of K+ (35 mmol),
  Mg2+ (17 mmol) and HPO4(2-) (39 mmol). Measurements were made before and 30
  and 60 min after the stimuli. Intake of juice only had no effect on EE in
  either the lean or the obese subjects. When the minerals were added, EE
  (+6.3%; p < 0.001) increased significantly in the obese group with in a
  maximum 30 min after stimulus, while no such increase was seen in the lean
  group. The difference between the groups was significant (p < 0.05) and so
  was the difference in the obese group with or without minerals (p < 0.01). We
  conclude that an addition of potassium/magnesium-phosphate to glucose
  increases the postprandial thermogenesis in obese postmenopausal women, but
  not in lean ones.

  Lind L. Lithell H. Hvarfner A. Pollare T. Ljunghall S.
  Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden.
  On the relationships between mineral metabolism, obesity and
  fat distribution.
  European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 23(5):307-10, 1993 May.
  Alterations in calcium metabolism have been associated with cardiovascular
  risk factors. An altered binding of calcium to plasma proteins and raised
  levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH) have been described in morbid
  obesity. In the present study, indices of mineral metabolism
  were related to obesity (body mass index, BMI) and fat
  distribution (waist to hip ratio, w/h) in 194 subjects with a wide range of
  BMI and w/h. The ratio of total serum calcium to plasma ionized calcium
  (Ca2+) was found to be significantly correlated to both BMI (r = 0.20, P <
  0.02) and w/h (r = 0.22, P < 0.005). Serum phosphate was also correlated to
  both of the indices of obesity in an inverse way (r = -0.24,
  P < 0.0008 for BMI and r = -0.33, P < 0.0001 for w/h). These relationships
  were still significant when the influences of age, sex and serum creatinine
  were included in the multiple regression analysis. This kind of analysis also
  disclosed that w/h was superior to BMI as a determinant of serum phosphate
  and the total calcium/Ca2+ ratio in serum. PTH was not significantly
  correlated to any of the indices of obesity. In conclusion,
  fat distribution rather than obesity per se was found to be
  associated with an altered mineral metabolism.

  Jaedig S. Henningsen NC.
  Department of Medicine, Lund University, Malmo General Hospital, Sweden.
  Increased metabolic rate in obese women after ingestion of potassium,
  magnesium- and phosphate-enriched orange juice or injection of ephedrine.
  International Journal of Obesity. 15(6):429-36, 1991 Jun.
  Thirty-six obese, pre-menopausal women were studied after an overnight fast
  and randomized to four different regimens of metabolic stimuli: group I (n =
  12), 100 ml orange juice with dissolved K- and Mg-phosphates
  (K, 40 mmol; Mg, 17.5 mmol; HPO4, 35 mmol); group II (n = 8), 100 ml of water
  with electrolytes as in group I; group III (n = 8), 100 ml of orange juice;
  group IV (n = 8), injection of ephedrine intravenously, 0.25 mg/kg body
  weight. The women in groups I, II and III were further stimulated with
  ephedrine as in group IV and new measurements made. Thirty minutes after the
  first stimulus VO2, VCO2 and energy expenditure (EE) rose significantly
  (13.1-16.5 per cent) in groups I and IV only. In groups I and III the blood
  concentrations of glucose, insulin, and C-peptide rose significantly. After
  the second stimulus (ephedrine i.v.) no further increase in VO2, VCO2 and EE
  occurred in group I, but the increases from basal values became significant
  in group III. In all women at baseline, whole-body potassium was
  significantly correlated to VO2. Serum-magnesium was negatively correlated to
  A/I weight (actual/ideal weight). We conclude that the addition of K- and
  Mg-phosphates to glucose increases the postprandial
  thermogenesis in obese patients.

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