DESIGN: Affordable CAD Hardware

From: Ken Meyering (
Date: Sun Jan 17 1999 - 09:09:38 MST

For the 3D gamers on the list, this may be no surprise. But for the
CAD/CAM artists who appreciate excellent 3D acceleration for an
amazing price, I thought this was worth sharing:

Number Nine Revolution IV 32MEG OpenGL Graphics Accelerator

Mail Order Price: $157.95

Combine this with COSMO World's VRML Authoring (Free Download)

Now you've got your own high powered workstation!

I'm looking forward to seeing visualizations of microrobots,
nanosystems and neural interfacing implants. If you can code in
Java, you can even write your own 3D animated mandalas,
kaleidoscopes, and other hallucinatory visual mind trips.

This link is too long to fit on one line, so it will need to be
pasted back together. It shows sample Java code for writing directly
to the VRML External Authoring Interface (EAI) for real time scene
updates and generation. This is probably the easiest method for
creating realtime 3D, although it still requires some concentration.

P.S. Any suggestions to ?

Probably no Linux drivers for the video and surround audio, but NT
should perform pretty well for those who can afford a copy.


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