Re: Papers vs. Email & Books

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Fri Jan 15 1999 - 04:37:35 MST

Well said, Robin.

My own experience is perhaps too unrepresentative to be useful, being stuck
here at the arse-end of the world with only three or four >H types visible
in the whole continent. But I have found that long phone discussions with a
friend, Russell Blackford, help both of us to clarify relevant ideas. In
the last couple of years, partly as a result of such discussions, both he
and I have placed informal papers in such places as the Australian
cultural/current affairs journal *Quadrant* (Russell had a piece on the
likely impact of drastic technological innovation, which drew to some
extent on my book THE SPIKE; I've just placed a 5000 word piece on the ill
effects of holism as a research method, and hope to see a lump of my
forthcoming life-extension book in the national newspaper's monthly
upmarket Review of Books). The response has been non-existent, as far as I
can tell (apart from the inevitable crusty letters muttered Bah Humbug).
And neither of us has yet produced a paper on any of these topics suitable
for submission to a peer-reviewed scholarly journal. I do think that will
be the way to go, however.

Damien Broderick

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