Re: Important News Story on Animal's Rights

From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Thu Jan 14 1999 - 05:42:35 MST

---Harvey Newstrom <> wrote:
> I try to stay out of the conversation when this list starts discussing
> rights to guns or drugs. But, it seems that this thread is too
> You all do realize that this "news" story is a joke, right? Check out
> the top level of this web site to find other such "news" stories.
> --
> Harvey Newstrom <> <>
> Author, Engineer, Entrepreneur, Consultant, Researcher, Scientist.
My posting of that article was an attempt to lessen the seriousness of
the discussion. I apologize if I was a bit too subtle.

How could anyone take seriously a story that includes 3 million
chickens let loose in Yosemite?

Hee hee

Just be warned that TheOnion.Com is one of my favorite sites and when
I find one of their stories that relates to a conversation here (which
actually happens occasionally) I will post a link to it calling it an
important story...

Terry Donaghe:

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