Re: Extropoy logo images?

From: Emmanuel Charpentier (
Date: Wed Jan 13 1999 - 15:42:43 MST

Brent Allsop wrote:
> Extropians,
> Is there a collection of extropy logo images some place? I've
> been playing with some ray tracing and created one. Let me know what
> you think of <URL:>.
> Please let me know of other images out there.
> Brent Allsop

 Nice, very nice.

  And it seems like a DNA spiral (scale on which we can ascend) seen
from above... Life (as the highest carrier of information known)
reaching for the stars, expanding in the expanding bubble of our

   Although the arrows, well, do seem agressive. And did you try with
stars in the background? (orion constellation for exemple, only WE are
launching arrows toward him).

    What software did you use? 3D Studio? If yes, any animated gif in
preparation ? ;)


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