Re: Extropians and animal rights

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Jan 12 1999 - 11:48:53 MST

Ian Goddard wrote:

> At 10:10 AM 1/12/99 -0000, Samael wrote:
> >The problem being that lots of people feel that people torturing animals is
> >in some way the same as torturing people. In fact, unless you in some way
> >see people as not being animals, then it is the same. Admittedly, a society
> >that sets itself up as either owners or owned must be definition see huamns
> >as 'just plain better', but I have to admit that I'd rather not live in a
> >society where people could torture animals in their own home if they felt
> >like it.
> IAN: I agree. There's an interesting correlation
> between serial killers, like Jeffrey Dommer (sp?),
> and torture of animals, such that a high percentage
> of the most brutal serial killers first tortured
> animals, usually when they were kids. They see
> the similarity between humans and animals, but
> only in the worst ways imaginable. With this,
> we can see that the way person x treats animals
> is a measure of how person x could treat humans.
> A society that was particularly brutal toward
> animals would probably be more inclined than
> the less brutal society to effect various
> forms of brutality on the human animal.

You purposely left out that the same study found that people raised as hunters
have an incidence of such violent crime far below the average, which is a
markedly different result than those who torture animals....

Mike Lorrey

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