Re: Major Technologies

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Fri Jan 08 1999 - 16:15:38 MST writes:

> The ones on the edge will also be happily dismantling each other, and being
> dismantled by the ones in the middle. They also have to spend time making

Why should a grey goo be disassembling diamondoid? The only reason
would seem to keep down the blue, which would require
recognition. Notice that blue is static, as autoreplicating blue
would seem to be basically undistinguishable from grey. Blue is
brittle, and more complex than grey, so it will be outperformed anyway.

> more grey goo nanobots to form the new outer shell, while they're being

Why 'shell'? This is free environment. The grey grow as a thin
layer over organical materials. Grey cannot function under anaerobic
conditions. Of course distinct erosion pattern, or even cooperative
behaviour could evolve, which transports oxygen actively within volume

> dismantled by the other nanobots, and while other nanobots are busily
> dismantling the new nanobots that they're trying to build. It's far from
> an easy task; nanobot reproduction will be hard enough in a stable
> environment, let alone when other hostile nanobots are dismantling what
> you're building as you're building it.
If the capability to erode diamondoid has evolved, the capability to
thrive in unstable environments will not be long to follow.

> This whole idea seems an obvious non-starter to me as soon as you think
> about these problems.

Funny, I think the problem is at least nondecideable with our current
knowledge. My intuition even tells me that grey has a slight or even
noticeable advantage, which makes it fundamentally uncontainable once
beyond a certain autoamplification stage.


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