Re: Dyson (Was: Paths to Uploading)

From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Fri Jan 08 1999 - 11:06:34 MST

---Samael <> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Terry Donaghe <>
> To: <>
> Date: 07 January 1999 21:24
> Subject: Re: Dyson (Was: Paths to Uploading)
> >
> >
> >First, I know very little about Mr. Dyson...
> >
> >I skimmed that Wired article, and perhaps I'm wrong, but I got the
> >distinct impression that Mr. Dyson is not very interested in
> >capitalism, and maybe that he is enamoured with communism or at least
> >collectivism.
> >
> >Is this old news?
> >
> >If he's a socialist/collectivist, I'd have to take anything he says
> >with a HUGE grain of salt. Looters aren't to be trusted, ya know.
> I'm going to assume this is humour. If not, then possibly you
should learn
> to dissasociate someones scientific views from their political views.
> Samael
Ok. I can buy into that, as long as those views are rational and
objective. I find it incredible that one can have rational and
objective scientific views and completely irrational and subjective
social views. Oh well.
Terry Donaghe:

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