Re: Paths to Uploading

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Wed Jan 06 1999 - 12:20:28 MST

Anders Sandberg wrote:
> OK, this is the standard SI apotheosis scenario. But note that it is
> based on a lot of unsaid assumptions: that it is just hardware
> resources that distinguish a human level AI from an SI (i.e, the
> software development is fairly trivial for the AI and can be done very

That's not what Billy Brown is assuming. He's assuming software
development is _harder_ than hardware development, so that by the time
we have a working seed AI the available processing power is considerably
larger than human-equivalent. I happen to agree with this, by the way.

> fast, and adding more processor power will make the AI *smarter*),

I'll speak for this one. If we could figure out how to add neurons to
the human brain and integrate them, people would get smarter. (I deduce
this from the existence of Specialists; adding cognitive resources does
produce an improvement.) Similarly, I expect that substantial amounts
of the AI will be working on sufficiently guided search trees that
additional processing power can produce results of substantially higher
quality, without requiring exponential amounts of power. Anyway, I
think we did this during the Singularity debate.

> that this process has a time constant shorter than days (why just this
> figure? why not milliseconds or centuries?),

Actually, I think milliseconds. I just say "hours or days" because
otherwise my argument gets tagged as hyperbole by anyone who lives on
the human timescale.

Centuries is equally plausible. It's called a "bottleneck".

> that there will be no
> systems able to interfere with it - note that one of your original
> assumptions was the existence of human-level AI; if AI can get faster
> (not even smarter) by adding more processor power, "tame" AI could
> keep the growing AI under control

1) This is an Asimov Law. That trick never works.
2) I bet your tame AI has to be smarter than whatever it's keeping
under control. Halting problem...

> - that this SI is able to invent
> anything it needs to (where does it get the skills?)

If you dropped back a hundred thousand years, how long would it take you
to out-invent hunters who had been using spears all their life? Skill
is a poor substitute for smartness.

And if it's stumped, it can get the answers off the Internet, just like
I do.

> and will have
> easy access to somebody's automated lab equipment (how many labs have
> their equipment online, accessible through the Net?

There's some lab with a Scanning Tunneling Probe that's made
"selectively" available to students on the Internet. I thought that was
hysterical when I read it. All along, I'd been assuming the fast
infrastructure would start with hacking automated DNA sequencers and
protein synthesis machines. But this way is probably faster.

> why are you
> assuming the AI is able to hack any system,

There are bloody _humans_ who can hack any system.

> especially given the
> presence of other AI?).

In a supersaturated solution, the first crystal wins.

> And finally, we have the assumption that the
> SI will be able to outwit any human in all respects - which is based
> on the idea that intelligence is completely general and the same kind
> of mind that can design a better AI can fool a human into (say)
> connecting an experimental computer to the net or disable other
> security features.

If the intelligence is roughly human-equivalent, then there will be
specialties at which it excels and gaping blind spots. If the
intelligence is far transhuman, it will still have specialties and blind
spots, but not that we can perceive. So yes, I make that assumption:
An SI will be able to outwit any human in all respects. I'll go
farther: An SI will correctly view humans as manipulable, deterministic
processes rather than opponents.

> As you can tell, I don't quite buy this scenario. To me, it sounds
> more like a Hollywood meme.

Not really. Hollywood is assuming that conflicts occur on a humanly
understandable level - not to mention that the hero always wins.
Remember the Luring Lottery, when Hofstadter received a large collection
of Vast numbers, all using different specification schemes? Determining
which was largest would be a serious mathematical problem, but I feel
quite confident in announcing that one of the numbers was far larger
than all the competitors raised to the power of each other.

The forces involved in a Singularity are Vast. I don't know how the
forces will work out, but I do predict that the result will be extreme
(from our perspective), and not much influenced by our actions or by
initial conditions. There won't be the kind of balance we evolved in.
Too much positive feedback, not enough negative feedback.

Likewise, the first SI timescale that isn't too slow to notice will be
too fast to notice.

--         Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Disclaimer:  Unless otherwise specified, I'm not telling you
everything I think I know.

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