Re: Empty channel.

From: Sunah Caroline Cherwin (
Date: Tue Jan 05 1999 - 21:10:38 MST

>I understand the early January syndrome... but _come on_, you guys (and
>girls. And non-antropomorphic aliens from outer space.)...
>#transhumanism is empty all the time (except for me). Show up there...
>_please_. Again, it's #transhumanism at DALNet.

I tried #transhumanism and there was no one there, so I must be on EFNet.
How do I switch nets? Must I switch servers?

Sunah Caroline Cherwin  +!+ +%+ +=+ +?+ +\+ +>+
San Francisco WoW TechTeam +@+ +/+ +$+ Assoc. of Internet Professionals
San Francisco Women on the Web SIG Coordinator +&+

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