Re: Property [was Re: The Education Function]

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Jan 05 1999 - 08:57:15 MST

EvMick@AOL.COM wrote:

> In a message dated 1/4/99 10:40:13 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> > For this reason, I think that all government agencies should be
> > required to open their books for auditing by independent organizations like
> > Consumer Reports, etc. so we can see if such agencies are cost effective or
> > not.
> > Non-cost effective agencies should be disbanded and the markets for the
> > agencies
> > products should be opened to competition. Congress should not be able to
> > keep
> > dinosaurs operating in perpetuity...
> >
> I'd go for that in an eyeblink.
> know from being in the USAF( just as I was) that the government
> takes waste to extremes undreamed of in the private sector.

yeah, they hate fraud, waste, and abuse only if the generals aren't already
getting their own cut....

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