Date: Tue Dec 22 1998 - 08:30:54 MST
I wrote:
>I think that most peacefully inclined people would tend to agree that
>society becomes more civilized as aggressive behavior diminishes.
Samael replies:
>I think that the effect is going in the opposite direction:
>As societies become more civilised (and thus more technologically advanced
>and richer) there is less competition for resources and less need for
>agressive behaviour.
I guess it works both ways. There seems to be a spiral effect driven by
mutual reinforcement. Very hopeful trend, what?
>Interesting factoid (unsubstantiated): No country with a MacDonalds in it
>has ever declared war with another country with a MacDonalds in it.
Ah, but what about Jack? Is he secretly in league with Saddam? It's all
starting to come clear... :-)
>Personally I think Macdonalds is behind the global conspiracy.
<chuckle> Sounds as likely as any conspiracy theory I've seen. I almost
hope it's true.
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