Re: boycotting of corporations

From: Samael (
Date: Wed Dec 16 1998 - 02:28:58 MST

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Scarazzo <>
To: <>
Date: 15 December 1998 19:43
Subject: Re: boycotting of corporations

>---Samael <> wrote:
>> For instance, Nestle (producers of vast amounts of chocolate and
>> Coffee) are boycotted by some people because they use policies in
>the third
>> world which cause the deaths of thousands of babies a year. Do any
>of the
>> libertarians on this list boycott them? Or anyone else?
>Since the GOVERNMENTS in those countries control access to resources,
>thus maintaining the relative poverty of the general population, they
>are the monopoly over certain resources like people, that enact the
>policies allowing companies to exploit the resources. The problem is
>government. If the third world countries did not tyrannical
>governments of unlimited power, the populations would not suffer as
>they do now. They would have the individual and local authority to
>stop the government policies.

But what are _you_ doing to boycott these unethical companies?

Nestle are doing nothing illegal, just offering a service. They are being
unethical because the people are not educated enough to see the long term
effects of this service.


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