Re: The Education Function

From: Michael Scarazzo (
Date: Tue Dec 15 1998 - 11:37:10 MST

---"Joe E. Dees" <> wrote:
> The gap between reality and ideality is a large one. The difference
> between rational action and the way people and corporations
> actually act is equally large. BTW, corporations coerce people now,
> by means of their influence on government (eminent domain to steal
> your property for a new factory, for example). I'm sure they would
> only increase the level of such coercion, were they able to apply it
> directly. Joe

I disagree that people in groups such as corporations act
irrationally. The determination depends on your viewpoint. From
their POV, they are looking out for their best interest: making
money. Through your own statement, you have concluded that government
is bad. The corporations are given power by the government, because
the corporations make money. The government wants money for nothing.
Government allows certain corporations to flourish so that those in
government power gain from it. The government is the influence.
Without government (or at least as we know it today), those
corporations who would have tried to use your land that the GOVERNMENT
said they could use would have to compensate you, if you desired, for
you to move. Today there is no check on government and that is the
problem. It is not the corporations who are seizing business
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