Re: Dr E

From: Patrick Wilken (
Date: Fri Dec 04 1998 - 17:09:00 MST

At 6:25 AM 4-12-98, Damien Broderick wrote:
>Very loosely speaking. I doubt that it sold as many as 5000 copies.
>Still, that's pro rata equal to what, 45,000 in the States? Barely
>visible, really, but better than a slap in the face with a dead fish.

I bought a copy last weekend and have been busily reading through it.
Looking forward to your next (and happy to proof-read if you need someone).

I think you are being a little modest. I thought it got quite a bit of air
time when it was released (certainly I heard about it in favourable ways
via the non-Net media).

>But even with email et al, we still *so fucking isolated* over here. Lots
>to be said for the States as a base.

That's why so many of us get onto email. Yes I am hoping to do a postdoc in
the States starting in early 2000. It would be wonderful to be closer to
the action. An annual overseas trip is very useful in getting recharging
the batteries: there is just so much energy in the States.

That reminds me I'll be on the West Coast US in late January - early Feb.
Any good Extropian events planned around that time? At the moment I am
visiting Caltech for a week, then UofArizona for a week, then Berkeley for
a week.

PS Damien I gather you live in Melbourne as well. It would be nice to
catchup sometime in RL.

best, patrick

Patrick Wilken
Editor: PSYCHE: An International Journal of Research on Consciousness
Secretary: The Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness

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