Re: Singularity: Individual, Borg, Death?

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Thu Dec 03 1998 - 23:25:16 MST

>Emmanuel Charpentier wrote: Question for probabilities course:
>how many more religions should one follow to increase by a tenfold the
>possibilities to eventually end up in (some sort of) heaven?

i used to drive people nuts with this question. religious memes are
mutually exclusive: they teach that there is no salvation in the other
religions. consequently, the probabilities of religious afterlife are not
cumulative, since every religious meme i know of requires one to
believe in it to enjoy its benefits. {8-[

today, i reveal the religion i have invented. it is like other religions, with
one exception: in order to reap the eternal rewards of this system, one
need not believe it. in fact, it is opposite other systems in that the
less you believe it, the more it benefits you. skepticism, not faith,
is required. do not send me donations, for they will not be tax
deductible, and furthermore, such actions are evidence of faith
in my system, which will result in your anathema. all who have
never heard of my system are automatically members, and any who
convert to it are brutally disfellowshipped. {8^D

not so sincerely, a recovering religion addict, spike

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