Re: Is the death penalty Extropian?

From: hidden (
Date: Mon Nov 30 1998 - 04:03:13 MST

John Clark wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> <>
> >Quick, what's the difference between punishment and revenge?
> Just punishment for an evil act is the minimum action needed to prevent
> a future similar occurrence, anything more than that is revenge.

 That's an interesting definition of punishment, what dictionary did you
get that one from. Revenge " to inflicted (harm) punishment by way of
repayment. "

    The differences between punishment and revenge, is punishment is the
formal version, or revenge. Revenge is is somthing the mob boss does.
Punishment is somthing the goverment or a parant does.

    Johns Def. Is the result of thought crimes agents humanity :-(


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