Famous people and their brain

From: John Clark (jonkc@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Sat Nov 28 1998 - 15:57:08 MST

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Sometimes for various reasons the weight of the brain of famous people
was measured immediately after their death and recorded. The brain of
the average adult male weighs 3 LB 2.2 oz. Einstein's brain was about
average size, the same was true of Gauss, one of the two or three
greatest mathematicians who ever lived. Ironically the brain of Franz
Gall (1828) the founder of phrenology which maintained that you could
tell everything about a person by the size and shape of their head
turned out to have a small brain, only 2 LB 10.3 oz. The smallest brain
of any non retarded person was 2 LB 3.8 oz and belonged to Anatole
France (1924), a well regarded writer of philosophical novels who is
still read today. At the other end of the scale is another novelist,
the great Russian writer Sergeyvich Turgenev (1883), he had a huge
brain, 4 LB 6.9 oz. In fact for almost a century Turgenev had the
largest brain known of any human being famous or not. Turgenev only
lost his title in 1975 when an autopsy was performed on a man of no
known unusual intellectual ability, he did however own a 4 LB 8.29 oz

  John K Clark jonkc@att.net

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