Re: Is the death penalty Extropian?

From: Paul Hughes (
Date: Tue Nov 24 1998 - 23:28:03 MST

<Den Otter wrote>
I dunno whether it's Extropian (only Max knows ;-) , but it certainly
is rational. Yes. I'd like to add that IMO, the punishment should fit the
serial killers/mass murderers/people who tortured their victims etc.
should receive harsher death penalties than someone who kills
just one victim in a relatively humane way. I also support corporal
punishment for violent offenders, btw.

You claimed it is rational, but you have yet to demonstrate it. All you've
said is an 'eye for eye' - since when is equal or greater vengeance
rational? Vengeance is an *emotional* response, not a rational one.

<Den Otter>
Of course, the whole justice system would have to be revised
before any executions can start.
Main changes:
 --no age limit

So your advocating that we start killing 6 year olds? How compassionate of

<Den Otter>
--video/audio footage (nation-wide camera system in public
places with central databanks).

Extropianism is about decentralizing knowledge and power. Your advocacy of
creating a centralized databank is antithetical to this.

<den Otter>
--lay juries are abolished

That my friend is a slippery slide towards totalitarianism. A jury of ones
peers is so fundamental to a free legal system, that any argument against it
smacks of a system ruled not by people, but by decree. Very un-extropian.

<Den Otter>
--executions within a week or so after trial, unless hard
evidence is presented by the defense.

So your advocating a system 'guilty until proven innocent'? If so, I have no
further comment, because your entire argument rests on a value system that
does not value the rights of an individual. Very Cardassian.

<den Otter>
--killing a cryonicist in such a way that his brain is
damaged beyond any conceivable repair (i.e. burning,
rotting to a pulp, exploding etc.) should be punished
especially severely (slow & painful death).

Again, you are advocating vengeance through *torture*. How is this rational
or extropian? How will torture solve the problem? Your position is becoming
increasingly silly and absurd!

<den Otter>
--massive centralized surveillance system, for evidence and prevention.

Again, how is this extropian? Your advocating a centralized system - and who
decides who will manage this system?

Paul Hughes

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