The most inspirational books ever written <fwd>

From: William Miller (
Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 - 14:38:13 MST

--- Begin Forwarded Message ---
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 22:43:52 -0500
From: Stephane Boucher <>
Subject: The most inspirational books ever written
Sender: Stephane Boucher <>

Reply-To: Stephane Boucher <>
Message-ID: <01be1693$7cd526a0$0100007f@localhost>


this message is to inform you that I am trying to build a list of the most
inspirational books ever written, by gathering the inputs of as much
inspirational books readers as possible.

You are invited to vote for the book(s) that had the most profound effect on
your life.

You understand that you will be among the first to visit my site, and that
your vote is really important in order to tune up the list.

You may wonder how did I find your email address ? I just had a look on
some other sites with inspirational books and I found that you have the same
passion as me for books that feed the soul. If you think I made a mistake
by sending you this email, please receive my apologies. It is the only way
I found to receive a few
votes to tune up the list.

The most inspirational books site:

Thank you very much

Stephane Boucher

--- End Forwarded Message ---

This kind of just fell into my lap, but I think that it would apply to
many of the rest of you as well. I base this judgement on the
extensive list of books recommended for reading that are located at the
bottom of our Extropian Principles version 3.0. I'm just advising you
to remember that vote is for inspirational, not merely educational.
Sometimes, in interacting with others we may forget that to many other
people these do not mean the same thing.

In Liberty, For Extropy;
BilLee Miller
member, ExI

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