Re: Imperative: A New OS

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Sat Nov 21 1998 - 18:38:36 MST writes:

> The new BeOS is very interesting. It is now available for Mac machines and
> Intel processors. Release 4, the first non-geek release is due out in a
> matter of weeks. It is a modern OS, with little legacy baggage from Redmond,
> aimed at 64 bit, multi-media. It is cool. Search on BeOS, and you will get
> lots of hits. The applications are rapidly increasing for this brainchile of
> ex-Apple Jean Louis Gasse.
> -Jay

The new Linux is very interesting. It is now available for Mac
machines and Intel processors, and about every hardware known to man
but toasters and mousetraps. Release X.Y.Z, the nth non-geek release
is due every few months (the geek releases at least once a day).
It is a modern OS (L4, MkLinux), with no legacy baggage from Redmond,
is fully 64 bit clean (RedHat/Debian Alpha), can do multi-media.
It is open source. It is very cool. Search for Linux, and you will
get more hits than you ever wished for. The applications are rapidly
increasing for this brainchild of Linus Torvalds and a gadzillion
of developers from all over the globe.

Ok, BeOS has some advantages (and, to be fair, several disadvantages),
but none that Linux can't meet by mid next year. If BeOS was open
source, it would be real dynamite instead of just a flash in the pan.


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