Re: Identity

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Fri Nov 20 1998 - 13:01:27 MST

At 12:51 PM 11/20/98 -0500, John Clark wrote:

>There is no reason to think this is an all or nothing concept. If the John
>Clark of 5 minutes ago were exchanged with the John Clark of right now the
>world would see almost no difference so we're almost the same person, but the
>very act of writing this post has changed me a little.

  IAN: Good to observer, and since identity changes
  per second, per nanosecond, there is no 100% same
  identity across a time interval. Buddha observed
  the time-cumulative nature of identity saying:

    "What we are today comes from our thoughts of
    yesterday, and our present thoughts build our
    life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of
    our mind." From "The Dhammapada" (Buddhist
    scripture), translated by Juan Mascaro,
    Penguin Books, 1973, chap.1 verse 1.

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