Cellular Proposals and "Bypass Technology"

From: Ken Meyering (ken@define.com)
Date: Wed Nov 18 1998 - 00:02:49 MST

Eugene Leitl <eugene.leitl@lrz.uni-muenchen.de> wrote:

>has a huge advantage in ease of upgrade. As to breaking the local
>telco monopoly on the "last mile" ("bypass technology"), radio works
>pretty well, in many forms: look at cellular and satellite phones.
>Interstingly, the "G3" cellular proposals (i.e., third-generation
>cellular protocols) are currently being worked out. they are supposed
>to permit data rates to 2Mbps (burst), which is a huge leap. Another

Do you know where I might find more information on "G3" cellular
proposals? Personally, I favor some sort of gps-based
spread-spectrum radio solution that assumes full access to the
spectrum (as would be the case when developing a homestead in the
forest, jungle, or desert).

Looking at it from this perspective allows one to develop a
model that can be a point of comparison when looking at how
inefficient "incremental" approaches are compared to "fresh start"
approaches. While the fresh start approaches may not be easily
implemented in developed areas, there is always the possibility of
presenting the option as an attractive alternative to incremental


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