Re: >H gender apartheid and transhumanists

From: Tet Far Jason Soon (
Date: Tue Nov 17 1998 - 21:39:05 MST

On Tue, 17 Nov 1998 wrote:

> i don't understand why we're talking about humanism, morality, and
> compassion on a listserv dominated by libertarians and objectivists.

If you will care to pay more attention to what they talk about, you will
find that libertarians are the most moral of all political groups. It is
the conservatives and the leftists who talk about 'balancing'
 A against B as if people were chunks of meat with labels on them.

> many of the policies people advocate on this listserv indicate to me
> that they don't care about people other than themselves. a posthumanist
> world could very well consist of temporary
> autonomous zones (taz) where everyone would be free to do as they please.
> with the proper technology anarchy and absolute liberty would be possible.
> but how are we going to get there? will it be through cooperation and
> sacrifice or will it be through ruthless competition. i believe that most
> of the people on the list are out of touch with reality. have you ever
> been on the other side of the policies you advocate? and if you have
> been fucked over, is it really a mature and rational response to attempt
> to fuck over others. i think not. thanks.
> josh

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