Re: party platform

From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Fri Nov 13 1998 - 07:18:40 MST

Previously written: "eg there are hard core libertarians who want
immediate separation of school and state even to the point ofopposing
a voucher system. This, I think, is impractical."

In what way is it impractical? Vouchers simply justify the
government's theft of our money. We should immediatley eliminate any
government spending in education and reduce taxes - possibly selling
off all government education related resources and refunding the money
to tax payers.

Government sponsored education usually costs quite a bit more per
student than private education does - mainly because of administrative
overhead. If we give vouchers that equal the average cost of a public
education student, that will upset the market for private schools
causing them to raise tuitions. This will screw that sector of the
free market all to hell.

Why pay twice for something you could pay once with no bureaucratic

Terry Donaghe
Individual, Anarcho-Capitalist, Environmentalist, Transhumanist, Mensan

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