NANO: Construction of Nanomotor

From: Doug Bailey (
Date: Fri Nov 13 1998 - 06:39:40 MST

The 11/12/98 issue of _The Guardian_ made the following statement
in an article dealing with the Foresight Institute:

"It seems researchers can `grow' a biological motor. Shahid Khan
and Renate Lux of New York's Albert Einstein College of Medicine
will tell the Foresight conference they have found the blueprint
for the motor which drives the tail of the E. Coli bacterium in
just four of the bacterium's genes. E. Coli's helical tail works
like a screw propellor, rotating from the base. The researchers
have cloned a copy of the tail using these four genes; an electron
microscope shows the protein structure in the base is exactly the
same as the original, which means it should function normally."
 - Copyright 1998 - _The Guardian_

This appears to give further credence to the position that if nature
can create functional components at the nm scale, so can we.

Doug Bailey

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