Re: frieeeeends for sale...

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Nov 11 1998 - 23:07:38 MST

Berrie Staring wrote: What about " I need somebody to wake me if I have
a cryo-contract " If you had all the money in the world, you still
could not buy a "friend" who made sure you will be revived....

berrie this is a topic i have spent some intellectual energy pondering.
a friend might be little help, for they too might be frozen. or worse.
im thinking one might want to hide one's wealth somewhere, then
tell your cryonics organization that you will retrieve and share
this wealth upon your successful reanimation. i am a strong believer
in what you might call "buying" friends, for the wealthy have no
shortage of these, whereas the pauper is despised by all.

the trick is hiding the wealth in a form that will still be valuable
decades or centuries hence, and carry it out in such a way that
the government would not be provoked to outlaw the practice
of cryonics (since it would argue that wealth was being
irretrievably lost.) this discussion came up once before in this
forum, but new ideas are welcome. spike

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