Re: Gingrich, Moynihan step down

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Wed Nov 11 1998 - 12:06:39 MST

tsoon wrote:

> >Is this the same "ban cryptography, total surveillance, anarchists are
> evil"
> >David Brin who's posted here in the past, or is this another David Brin
> >I've never previously heard of? If it's the former I don't know how anyone
> >could call him a libertarian.
> I don't know about this. I probably wasn't a subscriber then. My ref to Brin
> is 2nd hand knowledge though I'm a 100% sure of the rest, so I may be
> wrong.

Brin had a rather extended and at time vile conversation with a number of us a
year or so ago on this list vis a avis privacy issues in general. While his
logic of making everyone accountable to everyone else due to total open
survellance would definitely result in little crime or exploitation, and
possibly enhance the market by fact that it would result in much better
price/value signals, he is, like communists/socialists in the past and many
social engineers today, trying to push a change of behavior which is totally
contrary to human nature. ignoring the fact that most people LIKE their privacy,
his concept has little possibility of being accepted unless the population is
scared into it by a totalitarian propaganda machine........ hmmmm, that sounds

Mike Lorrey

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