cryonics question

From: Peter Passaro (
Date: Tue Nov 10 1998 - 04:12:40 MST wrote:
> How can the formation of ice crystals in organism that is composed
> of water, even if it is frozen more quickly?
  I know this effect is observed in the laboratory and I had not really
  why, but here goes my best guess. Any crystal is a highly organized
  structure which is made up of smaller repeating units. The process is
  in which small units form first and then are gathered into a larger
  structure. By quick freezing an object you may be able to slow molecules
  down before they are able to become highly organized. (The slower you
  any crystal the more perfect its structure) It is large crystals which
  problems for cells. They do nasty things like tearing cell membranes.
  you freeze an object very quickly the crystals are probably kept in a
  organized state and of a diameter which is not particularly dangerous to
  I hope that helped. Peter

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