POLITICS: Gingrich, Abandoning the D.C. Charade

From: Ken Meyering (ken@define.com)
Date: Mon Nov 09 1998 - 06:55:36 MST

One thing that amazes me is how people seem to need to have something
to rebel against. There is all this talk about who replaces

Why don't we talk about what replaces Washington D.C., biennial
elections, and other such obsolete idiocy?

Sooner or later, we are going to need to stop sending all of our
money to a bunch of empty wooden chairs sitting in old marble
buildings. The people come and go, and the institutions just sit
there, as completely inanimate objects doing nothing more than
keeping a bunch of historical documents safe from erosion.

As long as the focus in on "the people" and not "the process", we're
just a bunch of sheep wasting our time and money waiting around for
something better.

Why don't we collectively start thinking about openly suggesting
something better.

Assuming, with the stroke of a pen, our leaders simply cancelled all
funding, effectively immediately, for the DEA, FCC, and FDA, what
then do we do with all the unemployed Federal Workers?

Many of us resent these institutions. But if we were called upon to
make the decision of how to eliminate them outright, how would we
implement that decision?

What the hell do we do? Just have Clinton make a National address,
saying "due to statistical projections, information technology, and
local leadership resources that are in place, we no longer are
required to collect tax revenues. The IRS has been disbanded, and
you are no longer required to pay Federal Income Taxes. The military
advises me that we have 40 years of petroleum reserves to supply the
tanks, ships, and aircraft, so the military will remain strong, even
without the taxes being collected."

Will some of the readers on this list do me a favor and play "King
for a Day", and come up with some scenarios that can be acted upon.

Otherwise, we're just going to watch generation after generation of
egomaniac power brokers doing nothing but maximizing their Nielsen


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