Re: What do we do?

From: Dan Clemmensen (
Date: Sun Nov 08 1998 - 09:38:27 MST wrote:
> The best solution to the Taliban problem in particular would be to 1) help
> individual people get out and 2) try to get subversive information in.
> Feminist literature, atheist literature, as well as just really shocking
> offensive pornographic type stuff to desensitize them a bit. One way to do
> this might be to tie little books to baloons and let them float into
> Afghanistan. Does the Taliban have a figure-head who is to them what
> Khomeini was to Iran? Someone to ridicule?
> Incidentally I found the Taliban has their own web page,
Again, I'm no expert, but I thought most Afgan women were illiterate. Sending
in books is not likely to work. You could try AM radios or super-cheap audio
players. A purpose-designed player with several hours of voice on ROM would
cost less than two dollars. Radio is more flexible but is subject to jamming.
The device should be powered photovoltaically, like a cheap calculator.
I would go for a dual-purpose device. However, I don't know enough about the
culture to know how the devices would get from their landing sites into the
possession of the women.

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