Re: TRANSPORTATION: Replacing Cars with Shuttles

From: Ken Meyering (
Date: Sat Nov 07 1998 - 05:27:58 MST (Dan Clemmensen):

> More generally, your proposal as stated appears to require a
> massive, centralized project. That's a bit hard to do in a
> democracy. Could you please describe your concept of the
> organization of this project?

Actually, I wasn't think about it from a "democracy" standpoint.

I was considering it more from the following standpoint:

Human beings are in a state of tension and stress in petroleum
economy scarcity economics. They keep reproducing, leaving more
humans with even fewer resources. However, information appliances
are growing less expensive, so these "worker class" humans will soon
have access to "ruling class" coordination capabilities.

In order to reduce this stress, we can completely eliminate the
entire petroleum economy in one global top down replacement of
leadership memesets. Not that the actual leaders will change, just
that their controlling memesets will be replaced through nonlethal

The petroleum economy cannot be incrementally phased out. The
information economy is growing too quickly, and without massive
deliberate intervention, there will come a point when available
weapons design information will collide with petroleum economy
tension, resulting in large scale conflict.

The solution is to approach the petroleum economy as a "game" that is
no longer enjoyable to the majority of players, and that can be
replaced with a different game, using "all necessary means".

The shift need not be painful. It can be entertaining, relaxing, and
enjoyable. Bottom line: the cars go.

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