Re: gender apartheid and transhumanists

Date: Wed Nov 04 1998 - 17:30:00 MST

--On Wednesday, November 04, 1998, 7:18 AM -0800 "Kathryn Aegis"
<> wrote:

> I assume that many of you are aware of the situation in Afghanistan by
> now. An excellent set of factual material and suggestions for action
> can be found at

The suggestions from action on this page are far from excellent, they
include writing letters to politicians, wearing a symbol of support, signing
a petition, joining their group, and telling others to also follow these
recommendations. This really does nothing for anybody, except to make the
person doing them feel like they've done something when they really haven't.
I unfortunately have no better suggestions. The situation is obviosly
terrible in Afghanistan and I only expect it to get worse. I hope that
perhaps the border skirmishes they are having with Iran will result in a war
which will overthrow or at least weaken the Taliban government in
Afghanistan (Iran is only very slightly better). What I wish is that there
were some organization(s) which are 1) helping women escape Afghanistan for
other countries and/or 2) smuggling subversive, anti-Taliban information
into Afghanistan (it does little good for us Americans to sit in America and
decide that yes something should be done in Afghanistan). Do any such
organizations exist? The Taliban is certainly afriad of any external
information coming in (shown by their recent ban of television).

Zeb Haradon
my web page:

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