Re: Dealing with TD

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Nov 01 1998 - 10:37:03 MST

Mike Wiik wrote:

> Spike wrote:
> >> Spike wrote: by the way joe, i underbid you. i, spiek jones offer my
> ^^^^^
> >> immortal
> >> soul to the devil for the price of a sack of donuts, and they dont
> >> even hafta be those nifty sprinkly kind. {8^D
> Actually Spike, I thought you had misspelled your name to give you
> some plausible deniability with the prince of darkness should the
> donuts arrive.....
> -Mike

no just a typo. i guess i could fall back on the old clintonesque:
"well, it depends on what your definition of "is" is. {8^D spike aka

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